In a single day, a lot of people have gotten calls from 408-218-2736 unknown numbers. They may just receive one call at a time, or it may be a continuous procedure that annoys them much, interferes with their routine, and takes up a lot of time. Therefore, in order to stop that call or person, you must know who phoned you from that number. Before taking any more action, let’s learn some fundamental details about 408-218-2736 and a few additional numbers.
From 408-218-2736, Who Called?
This post will assist you in finding out who phoned you from 408-218-2736 if you received a call from that number and are concerned.
Is 408-218-2736 a Scam Phone Number?
Do you want to know who is contacting you from 408-218-2736 because you are concerned about the call? It’s a rang-twice scam, according to report. No voicemail was left after the phone rang two to three times before hanging up.
Some claimed it to be a typical health loan fraud. The social security number and date of birth are requested. The call hangs up if you don’t provide them, and you receive no answer from the other party.
Some individuals heard a recorded message that said, “Lisa with Incentives Reimbursement,” while others heard, “You got a prize.” So, based on all of these allegations, it is believed that this number is a fraud. This number is from west, California.
Are These Numbers Legitimate or a Scam?
Would you want to learn about other phone numbers that call or text you? Let’s go through the key details of these numbers in depth to determine whether they are genuine or frauds.